The Biggest Innovation in Gold Investing in 8,000 Years is Here

Alex Koyfman

Posted February 15, 2018

Dear Reader,

If you’ve been awake for the last two weeks, then you probably know already: The markets aren’t quite as unshakeable as we all wanted to believe.

And let’s be honest, who out there really thought we could continue this bull run on the same trajectory it’s been following for the last year?

The fact that we’re seeing 1,000-point swings on the Dow in single trading sessions only speaks to just how far we’ve overshot reason and how deep we’ve strayed into the land of irrational exuberance.


It’s sent the most confident traders running for the hills, brought the short sellers out of hiding, and emboldened an army of contrarian theorists who are now claiming that this is just the beginning.

Any way you look at it, the speculators are getting scared, which means the rest of us — those whose savings and retirement accounts depend on healthy investor confidence — need to find a way to hedge…

It’s Been With Us Since the Very Start

Gold, and the companies that produce it, prospers during times of uncertainty. That much hasn’t changed in 8,000 years or so…

However, today, there’s a new development… It’s a development that could — and from the looks of things, probably will — revolutionize the ways in which all financial transactions are carried out.

It involves two words that dominated financial-focused social media in 2017: blockchain and cryptocurrency.

Now, before you get angry and close out of this article, or throw your computer out the window, let me explain a distinction that could completely change how you think.

Blockchain technology is nothing more than a fancy word for a self-maintaining database.

It’s not exotic, tricky, underhanded, or mysterious at all. In fact, it’s pretty boring.

But it’s also extremely useful because it allows for things like transactions between parties to be documented and verified without the need for intermediaries.

In short, it’s another way for computers to make our lives simpler and more streamlined.

Cryptocurrencies, which live off this technology, are where the trouble starts.

Understanding how they work and why they have value has confounded even the most informed experts since the very start.

It’s why many have concluded that, despite their ballooning prices, cryptocurrencies, which are nothing but strings of numbers, are worth nothing at all.

Meaning once efficiency finally takes hold, every bitcoin, every litecoin, and every ethereum token out there will drop in value like a meteor entering the Earth’s atmosphere.

I’m not here to argue that this premise is wrong. It could very well be true. The value of all cryptos I’ve ever heard of, at the end of the day, is determined only by how much mania-driven demand there is.

That is, until now…

The First True Evolution of Gold… Ever

What if the biggest problem with cryptocurrencies, and the biggest problem with physical gold, had one single solution?

Cryptocurrencies are inherently unstable investments because their value is under question. Gold is a questionable investment because it’s heavy, easy to steal, not so easy to transfer or liquidate, and expensive to protect.

Well, one company realized that the only way to solve both of these problems was to create a hybrid of the two…

A cryptocurrency that’s backed by gold.

No longer is the value pinned to the ever-changing moods of the flaky and fickle marketplace. Instead, it’s pinned to gold itself.

In a way, this idea isn’t a step forward at all, but instead a step backward to the days when fiat currencies, namely the U.S. dollar, were founded by gold.

That ended in the early 1970s for the U.S. dollar when Nixon ended the gold standard.

Today, however, that old, traditional, inherently sustainable concept is being reinvented using modern technology.

The company that’s taking this revolutionary step, up until last year, was a small but highly prospective junior miner with an inventory of some promising real estate.

Today, it’s about to turn the world of gold mining, gold investing, and eventually the premise of money itself upside down.

I was so shocked when I read about this that I rushed a research report into production just to bring this story to you that much faster.

I just put the finishing touches on it, and I am now making it available, for the first time ever, to Wealth Daily readers.

To get your exclusive look at this groundbreaking company and its plans to reinvent the gold industry, click here.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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His flagship service, Microcap Insider, provides market-beating insights into some of the fastest moving, highest profit-potential companies available for public trading on the U.S. and Canadian exchanges. With more than 5 years of track record to back it up, Microcap Insider is the choice for the growth-minded investor. Alex contributes his thoughts and insights regularly to Energy and Capital. To learn more about Alex, click here.

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